
Solitude allows a rich state of being, for it creates space for our mind to derail itself from blinding accustomed routines and roam freely, unveiling underexposed moments of beauty in our surroundings, mindfully connecting us with these beauties. Beauties that we then can share and gift to others. Therefore, a wealthy life is one of a pendulum, gracefully oscillating between states of solitude and social comradeship.

In despite of its enrichment to life, solitude is increasingly frowned upon, and becoming a lost art in the increasingly connected and socially saturated contemporary days. The visual journey presented here takes the reader through the perspective of a mind floating in a state of solitude, serving as a reminder to us to regularly traverse sections of our life paths in mindful solitude.

 Solitude in Paris

 Solitude in Jerusalem / Tel Aviv

© 2015 - Ibrahim Bokharouss