A Child’s Lens

Document the world through the eyes of children

Borrow your camera to a five year young, take your eyes off her for a while, then observe her unobtrusively as she floats with wonder through her world, capturing scenes and objects drawing the interest of her unstained mind. Next, imagine stepping into the shoes of a seven year old child growing up in the conflict region of Gaza, post-war Iraq, or post-tsunami Sri Lanka. How would she perceive and experience everyday situations of life?

Young children possess the grace of perceiving our world in a less filtered and less judgemental way than we adults have grown to do. Beauty is perceived in simple scenes, objects and situations that many of us adults have evolved to become blind to. Young children also tend to shy less away from social situations that we as adults consider akward, controversial or taboo, allowing a more raw and intimate look into our world.

Over the course of several months, cameras were handed out to children in Iraq, Cuba and Switzerland, enabling them to capture side by side their experiences of everyday life.







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© 2015 underexposed.ch - Ibrahim Bokharouss